Grooming Your Pure-Breed or Mixed-Breed Dog

There are some restrictive rules on how to groom a particular breed, just like how to feed or take care of it. But there is one similar thing that applies to all. And that is: every dog requires a total body grooming. So, disregard the name Dorgis, Peekapoo, Labradoodle, Schnoodle, Beagle, Jack Russel, Labrador, Rottweiler, and Yorkshire Terrier because they are all dogs. And all of them need to be groomed just the same.

How do you groom your dog then,

There are two ways:

First thing you should know is that you can let professionals do the grooming for you. There are countless of dog salons and grooming shops across the country. You can surely find one on each city where your dog could comfortably fit in. Professionals charge between $20-$50 (or more) on each service. The cost of course depends on the type of service your dog had. Each dog grooming professional has a specialty. One could be good on trimming with the other is good in bathing but generally, there are lots of dog grooming professionals who can do everything.

Dog grooming shops have specialties as well. And prices depend on the service they offer. There are shops that charge cheap and there are those that charge a lot. Depending on your budget, you should decide where to take your dog. Price, however, is a great determiner if the dog grooming shop is good or not. But this does not mean that if one shop charges small fee, it serves bad. Same thing goes with shops that charge large free. The task for you then is to weigh the service, facilities, staff skills and expertise, and location to pinpoint your particular shop.

The second is by grooming your dog on your own. Grooming your dog should be done carefully and properly. You should know the right way on how to groom your particular dog since different dog breeds should require different approach and grooming frequency. Books and internet articles are two rich sources of information about the proper grooming. Learning from these could be very helpful.

The good thing about grooming your own dog is that you somehow create a special connection with your pet. In other words, grooming your dog on your own is more than just a physical connection but an emotional and psychological one as well.

At first, you need to invest on the different dog grooming tools you need. Your dog should have its own comb, brush, de-matting tool, and nail clippers. You should also invest of dog shampoo, dog conditioner, and dog toothpaste. Although you have some initial cash outs, it is actually cheaper in the long run since you don’t have to visit dog grooming shop and spend for the services they give to your dog twice or more each month.

Your dog, whether it is pure- or mixed-breed, should be groomed depending on its requirement. And as an owner, it is your primary responsibility to know how to properly take care of your particular dog. Dog grooming is a must. That’s the very first thing you should realize. The task might be expensive and time consuming at first, especially if are a dog owner novice, but it will prove to be rewarding in the long run.

About the Author: Lucky Dog Online

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