“Ninjutsu 1001 Nights” by Masaaki Hatsumi at modern ninja master
History of Amatsu Therapy https://www.amatsu.info/ Amatsu therapy is a blend of modern research and ancient Japanese natural movement-orientated ‘hands-on’ therapeutic techniques dating back over 2,000 years. The ‘feeling’ and principles taught today directly derive from Dr. Hatsumi and the ancient school of Hichi Buku Goshin…

AMATSU Japanese Body Alignment Learn How
Amatsu UK Body Alignment: A Holistic Approach to Pain Relief and Well-Being Through Fascial and Meridian Point Therapy. It is about to cause a whole wide spectrum of problems from spot injuries to elderly people, all kinds of musculoskeletal problems, bad backs, and basically the…

Covid 19: 5 Positive Mindsets to Have
Shifting Your Mindset: Coping with Quarantine during the COVID-19 Pandemic [, Music, ], hey everyone before we get started on today’s video, we expect to go want to wish everyone safety and health during the outbreak of covered 19. We’ve got your back. We’ve got…

The Fastest Ways to Bring Traffic to a New Website
How to Get Traffic to Your New Website Fast – It’s easy to do SEO when you got a old site that already has a ton of back links.It’s easy to spend money on paid advertising when you’re already rich and you’re an established company.But…