3 Money Skills Everyone Should Use! Do This To Get Rich! | Dave Ramsey’s Last Warning
Residual Income Wires You as a SAVER Yeah, It’s so hard to finally get some in the savings It’s hard to release it, especially if you’re wired as a saver.Now I’m wired as a spender, My wife is wired as a saver.Usually we fall in…

Foods Designed to Hijack Our Appetites
Protein Doesn’t Cut Calories Later on “ Foods Designed to Hijack Our Appetites”, The importance of satiety is underscored by a rare genetic condition known as Prader-Willi syndrome.Children with the disorder are born with impaired signaling between their digestive system and their brain, so they…

stretch for people that sit in front of a computer all day – 5 minutes
How to avoid lower back pain from sitting all day Hello, my name is Doctor David Kulla.I’m, a chiropractor.Now since 1999.So.Today, I’m going to show you some great tips on how to avoid lower back pain.f.You sit all day at work.Okay, So most of us…

The Psychology of Productivity – Do More in Less Time
How to Achieve More Productivity in Life Do you feel, like you, don’t have control of your day when you look back in the past month, did you actually achieve the goals that you set and how much are you gon na get done today?These…

The Dunning Kruger Effect
On April 19th 1995 McArthur Wheeler robbed a bank with his face glazed with lemon juice, believing the juice would make his face invisible to the surveillance cameras. He thought so because lemon juice works as invisible ink on a piece of paper. Police broadcasted the security camera footage on the…